Shooting Die Antwoord in Venice

Last month (June) I had the chance to meet Die Antwoord with their crew and spend a day with them in Venice while taking some pictures of them. I took my sister with me as assistant, she really helped me in switching cameras and taking them around. I should get used to it!

We spent the afternoon at the beach, and in the evening we went out for a gondola ride and they were wearing masks they bought in Venice. I took the best shot on 4×5″ negative film, but I’m not going to publish it for the moment. I don’t want to spend many words on the day, I’ll let the pictures talk. I’ve already released some of them on tumblr and instagram (look for @robinbervini and follow me!), and also Die Antwoord did.


At the beach

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Leaving the beach




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Gondola ride
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And bye bye


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